Discrete diodes are electronic devices that has two terminals, the main function of which is to allow current to flow in one direction (also known as forward flow) and restricts it from flowing in the opposite direction (also known as reverse flow), from anode to cathode. Discrete diodes is a package of individual circuits performing a single function. Unlike an integrated circuit, it is not built on a common semiconductor with other electrical components that form the circuit as a whole. It is a basic building block of an active electronic circuit. Discrete diodes are used in computers as well as in application in a wide range of industries, including the telecommunications, consumer electronics, and automotive.
Growth of consumer electronic device market is a major factor driving growth of the discrete diodes market
The basic function of every diode is to direct the current in one direction, however, the way of transmission differs. Most common type of diodes used are the semiconductor diodes, which consists of P-N junctions. Due unidirectional current carrying properties, diodes can operate as rectifiers, switches, and limiters. One of the primary factors driving growth of the discrete diodes market is the growing consumer electronics market. For instance, according to the July 2017 fact sheet released by ZVEI: Die Elektroindustrie, the global electrical and electronic production in 2015 accounted for US$ 4.63 trillion from US$ 4.04 trillion in 2014. Growing demand for advanced and better electronic devices influence manufacturers to focus on rampantly upgrading their products in terms of design, processing, power consumption, and user interface, in order to improve its functionalities and attract more consumers. Discrete diodes such as power diodes or Schottky diodes are important elements of electronic circuits. Thus, growing demand for consumer electronic devices is expected to simultaneously drive growth of the discrete diode market.
Discrete Diodes Market: Regional Insight
The regional segmentation of the discrete diodes market is based on six regions namely, North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, Middle East, and Africa.
Asia Pacific is expected to be the largest market for discrete diodes, owing to the growing electrical and electronics sector in the region. Diodes, being the core element in an electrical circuit, have a widespread application in electrical and electronics goods. Asia Pacific accounts for the highest production of electrical and electronic goods in the world. For instance, according to the July 2017 fact sheet released by ZVEI: Die Elektroindustrie, in 2015 production of electrical and electronic goods in Asia Pacific was US$ 3.38 Trillion, which was 73 per cent of the total electrical and electronics production in the world. China, Japan, and Korea were among the top producers of electrical and electronics goods, with US$ 2.35 trillion, US$ 315.45 billion and US$ 283.09 billion, respectively. Moreover, according to India Brand Equity Foundation (IBEF), Indian Consumer electronics market was US$ 31.48 billion in 2017 and is further expected to grow at 41 percent CAGR between 2017 and 2020 to reach US$ 400 billion. As discrete diodes are widely used in electrical and electronic goods, the growth in electrical and electronic goods production is expected to significantly increase the demand for discrete diodes in Asia Pacific over the forecast period.
North America is expected to be the second-largest market for discrete diodes, as the region comprises developed economies such as the U.S. and Canada. The U.S. is one of the top competing economies in electrical and electronics industry. For instance, according to the July 2017 fact sheet released by ZVEI: Die Elektroindustrie, the U.S. ranked second in the electrical and electronics production, valued at US$ 456.42 billion, which accounted for 10 percent of the global electrical and electronics production, in 2015. Thus, the growth of electrical and electronics industry in the region is projected to boost growth of the discrete diodes market throughout the forecast period.
Discrete Diodes Markets: Competitive Landscape
Some of the key players operating in the global discrete diodes market are Diodes Inc., Fairchild, International Rectifier, Micro Commercial Comp, IXYS, ON Semiconductor, ICT Power, NXP, Toshiba, ROHM Semiconductor, Panasonic, Vishay, STMicroelectronics, Central Semiconductor Corp., Diodes Incorporated, Hitachi Ltd., Infineon Technologies AG, IXYS Corporation, and M/A-Com Technology Solutions.
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